The 3E programme, is implemented in all levels. A scenario / A hands-on activity related to the theme is set up. With the lead of four NET teachers, students are engaged in different contexts and use proper languages in a purposeful and meaningful way.
Going Shopping
Our NET teachers change the language room into a supermarket and let students make their purchases between healthy fruit and snacks!
Making a Toy
The NET teachers teach students to make a toy paper plane and have a mini competition to see which plane can fly the furthest!
Visiting a Zoo
The NET teachers lead students to become zookeepers and learn about how to take care of different animals.
Growing a Plant
Our NET teachers lead students to visit our school garden and learn about the names of the plants with online software. They also learn to grow a red bean.
Making Finger Sandwiches
The NET teachers guide students to read a recipe and make the finger sandwiches for tea time. Students learn to cook and share.
Being a Doctor
Our NET teachers open a clinic and students become nurses and doctors to take care of patients.
Playing Basketball
Our NET teachers demonstrate and practise the basketball skills with students.
Going for a Picnic
Students have a picnic with our NET teachers. They enjoy the food and the group games.
Visiting a Restaurant
Our NET teachers turn the Language Room into Yin Sum Restaurant. Students take turns to role-play the waiters, chefs and customers.
A Game Day
Our NET teachers bring different relay games to students. Students learn about the game rules during games.
Making Food
Our NET teachers guide students to read the recipe and make a yummy parfait.
Being a Travel Agent
Students learn to be a travel agent and promote Hong Kong attractions from our NET teachers.
Experiencing Different Cultures
Our NET teachers engage students in the food culture of different countries through multiple senses.
Making a Healthy Food
Students learn to make a healthy wrap with our NET teachers, using different kinds of vegetables as the ingredients.
Being a News Reporter
Students learn about how to report news from our NET teachers. They also try to write a simple news report.
Making a Food Video
Our NET teachers guide students to read a recipe and make a dish. Students also make videos of the food-making process.
Doing an Experiment
Our NET teachers guide students to find out the best way to clear the oil spill through experiments. This helps raise their awareness of protecting the environment.
Being a Pilot
Our NET teachers engage students to role-play the pilot and flight attendants and learn about the procedures for boarding a plane.
It is held every Tuesday. Assemblies are held in English by the NETs through a live broadcast via YinSum Channel. Activities include weather reporting, activities promotion and cultural exposure. At recesses, fun language activities are held in the playground. At the lunch recess, English language room is open and English songs are broadcast around the school campus.
Students of junior forms join the Sing and Learn activities on Tuesdays. Activities include singing, cartoon-watching and book sharing. It provides students with more English exposure.
English interviews on different themes are conducted by students regularly at recess. Students are provided more opportunities in using daily English.
Our school English drama team, which is led by a NET, takes part in the Drama Festival every year. They also perform their show in public.
The Thematic activity, which lasts for two months, is held every year. Students are engaged in a series of English activities around a particular classic story. Activities include story-reading, role-playing, songs singing, fashion show, game booths, cartoon watching, a live English drama show and a story-ending writing.