3E Programme

為了能提高學生接觸外語的機會及建立更濃厚的英語語言環境,本校擬申請撥款聘請額外兩名外籍英語教師,於全校的課堂內外提供更多機會予同學與外籍英語教師接觸及以英語溝通,如情景學習課程(Contextual Learning Programme)及體驗式學習課程(Experiential Learning Programme),於課堂內設置不同學習情景(如餐廳、商店、機場等)或加入實作活動(如烹飪、運動比賽等),譲學生於模擬情景及親身體驗中,運用所學詞彙及句式,令學習更有趣及更實用。


In order to further establish a language rich learning environment, a contextual / experiential activities, known as the 3E programme, is implemented in all levels.  The acronym 3E stands for Enjoy, Engage, Enhance.  A scenario/A hands-on activity related to the theme is set up.  With the lead of our NET teachers, Mr Stevenson, Mr Tandon and Miss Lisha, students are engaged in different contexts and use proper languages in a purposeful and meaningful way. 


一年級英文科3E課程 1

外籍老師Mr Stevenson,Mr Tandon & Miss Lisha 將英語室搖身一變成為超級市場,一年級同學逐一以日常英語購買食物,他們還會在健康水果和美味零食中做抉擇呢!


P1 English 3E Programme 1

Our NET teachers, Mr Stevenson, Mr Tandon and Miss Lisha, changes the language room into a supermarket and let the students make their purchases between healthy fruit and snacks!


一年級英文科3E課程 2

外籍老師Mr Stevenson與Miss Lisha 教授一年級同學如何製作紙飛機,他們還舉行了飛行大賽呢!


P1 English 3E Programme 2

Mr Stevenson and Miss Lisha teach Primary 1 students to make a toy paper plane by themselves.  They even have a mini competition to see which plane can fly the furthest!


二年級英文科3E課程 1

外籍老師Mr Stevenson & Miss Lisha 為二年級同學設計了一個與植物有關的英文體驗課程。同學先到學校花園,利用網上軟件認識各植物的名稱,然後體驗親手栽種及照顧植物,各同學都將自己的植物看作寶貝一樣呢!


P2 English 3E Programme 1

Our NET teachers, Mr Stevenson and Miss Lisha designs a project about plants.  Students visit our school garden and learn about the names of the plants with online software.  They also learn to grow a red bean and take care of it in the classroom.


二年級英文科3E課程 2

二年級同學跟外籍老師Mr Stevenson與Miss Lisha 一同製作下午茶點 — 手指三文治,同學們學習如何閱讀食譜及分工合作。完成後,各同學都吃得津津有味呢!


P2 English 3E Programme 2

Our Primary 2 students make a finger sandwich with Mr Stevenson and Miss Lisha.  They learn to read a recipe and share the work among groupmates.  They enjoy the food very much!


三年級英文科3E課程 1

三年級英文科3E課程是與運動有關,外籍老師Mr Stevenson & Mr Tandon 與三年級同學一同以英文體驗打籃球。雖然所體驗的籃球技巧看似簡單,但各同學首次以英文練習籃球技巧也樂在其中。


P3 English 3E Programme 1

The 3E Programme in P3 is about sports.  Our NET teachers, Mr Stevenson and Mr Tandon demonstrate and practise the basketball skills with P3 students.  All students enjoy the activity very much!


三年級英文科3E課程 2

三年級同學跟外籍老師Mr Stevenson及Mr Tandon 於校園內席地野餐,他們一邊享受自備的食物,一邊與外籍老師及同學玩集體遊戲。Mr Stevenson及Mr Tandon還爲同學準備了兩款健康小吃呢!


P3 English 3E Programme 2

Primary 3 students have a picnic with Mr Stevenson and Mr Tandon.  They enjoy the food and the group games.  Our NET teachers also prepare two kinds of healthy food for them.



四年級英文科3E課程 1

Our NET teacher, Mr Tandon brings a relay game to our P4 students.  They learn about the game rules and enjoy the fun playing the games.


P4 English 3E Programme 1

外籍老師Mr Tandon 為四年級同學帶來體驗不同競技遊戲的機會。同學不但以英文學習各遊戲的規則,又可以享受當中的樂趣,真是一舉兩得。


四年級英文科3E課程 2

大部分四年級的同學都喜歡吃啫喱,所以外籍老師Mr Tandon 指導四年級同學根據食譜製作啫喱,各同學都很喜歡自己的藍莓啫喱杯。


P4 English 3E Programme 2

Jelly is one of the favourite snacks of our Primary 4 students.  So, Mr Tandon guides them to make it, following the recipe.  All students love the jelly with the little blueberries.



五年級英文科3E課程 1

五年級的同學對不同國家的文非常感興趣,所以外籍老師Mr Stevenson & Mr Tandon除為同學介紹了多個國家的景點和文化,也接受了同學的訪問,同學們都自設問題,對兩位外籍老師的了解增加了不少呢!最後,同學以有趣的小實驗去明白各人應尊重及與不同文化共融。


P5 English 3E Programme 1

P5 students are interested in the culture of different countries. So, they interview our NET teachers, Mr Stevenson and Mr Tandon about their home countries.  Students also do a small experience with the NET teachers to understand how to respect one another’s culture.


五年級英文科3E課程 2

五年級的同學跟外籍老師Mr Tandon製作了一份健康卷餅,材料全是健康的蔬菜,各同學都化身爲廚藝大師呢!


P5 English 3E Programme 2

Primary 5 students have a hands-on activity about making a healthy wrap with Mr Tandon.  They use different kinds of vegetables as the ingredients.  All of them become a master chef!



六年級英文科3E課程 1



P6 English 3E Programme 1

The 3E programme of Primary 6 students is about environmental protection.  Students first understand the impacts of pollution. Then they find out the best way to clear the oil spill through experiments.  This helps raise their awareness of protecting the environment.


六年級英文科3E課程 2

六年級的同學與外籍老師Mr Tandon成爲遊戲節目主持,從遊戲問題及計分方法,同學們都一手包辦,樂在其中。


P6 English 3E Programme 2

Primary 6 students learn to be a game host with Mr Tandon.  They design the questions for the games and try asking their friends.