2023-2024 Fables

2023-2024 Fables
  • 2023-2024 Fables


The Thematic Activity will be held in May to June this year.  It aims at raising students’ interest to learn English as well as their English abilities.  Activities include story-reading, songs singing, role-playing, an English party day with fashion show, game booths, cartoon watching, a live English drama show and a story-ending writing.
本年度所選的主題為Fables (寓言故事),英語派對日將於6月21日(星期五)舉行。當天全體學生可穿着派對服裝,作不同角色的造型打扮,仿如走進故事世界,一同參與一個既有學習意義,又歡愉的英語派對。

The theme of the activity will be The Fables.  The English Party Day will be held on 21st June, 2024 (Friday).  On that day, all students can dress up like the characters in the stories and participate in an educational and interesting party.




For information about the stories, songs and DIY costume ideas, please visit the following links.

故事 Stories
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Fox and the Grapes
The Greedy Dog
The Lion and the Mouse
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Tortoise and the Hare
The Monkey and the Crocodile
The Fisherman and his Wife
歌曲 Songs
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Lion and the Mouse
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
DIY 服飾 DIY Costumes ideas
A Tortoise Shell
A Rabbit Costume
A Rabbit Mask
Rabbit Ears 1
Rabbit Ears 2
A Lion Costume
A Lion Mask
A Mouse Hat
A Mouse Mask
A Dog Costume
A Dog Mask
An Ant Antenna
A Sheep Costume
A Fox Mask
A Monkey Mask
A Crocodile Hat
A Grape Costume