P5 English 3E Programme - Enjoy Enhance Engage

P5 English 3E Programme - Enjoy Enhance Engage


五年級英文科3E課程 Enjoy Enhance Engage

五年級的同學對不同國家的文非常感興趣,所以外籍老師Mr Stevenson & Mr Tandon除為同學介紹了多個國家的景點和文化,也接受了同學的訪問,同學們都自設問題,對兩位外籍老師的了解增加了不少呢!最後,同學以有趣的小實驗去明白各人應尊重及與不同文化共融。


P5 English 3E Programme - Enjoy Enhance Engage

P5 students are interested in the culture of different countries. So, they interview our NET teachers, Mr Stevenson and Mr Tandon about their home countries.  Students also do a small experience with the NET teachers to understand how to respect one another’s culture.